Guided tour Visite guidée: (Dis) Covered Passages in Paris ! | par Marine Bonnet Place du Palais Royal Affiche

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Place du Palais Royal, 75001 Paris

Guided tour Visite guidée: (Dis) Covered Passages in Paris !
par Marine Bonnet

Place du Palais Royal, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -

En ce moment dans cette salle :

A 2 hours stroll through the covered Passages in Paris: Their origin, history and architecture through this walk through time...

From " Palais Royal" to the "Grands Boulevards", explore the hidden paths that break through whole blocks of Buildings, and cross the different districts that they are mean to link.
You will travel into time, and understand better the birth of those commercial galeries away from the parisian traffic and the so renowned bad weather !

After learning about the Royal Palace, you will be able to see three generations of covered passages, their stunning decoration that made them so famous !
From the first wooden Galerie to Verdeau Passage, you will discover surprising facts and a complete other world !

This stroll is half outside..
I would suggest you to wear good shoes for the walk, and check the forecast before coming, to know what you would need to wear !

Marine Bonnet is a french licensed guide, passionate by History and Arts. She provides a variety of tours in the city such as Covered Passages, Louvre Museum, Père Lachaise Cemetery, City Island, Montmartre Hill.. You are able to find all her tours on BilletRéduc platform !

A Savoir :
Be aware that BilletRéduc do not provide your phone nor your email to the guide.
And after your reservation, you will receive further informations : the meeting point and guide's phone number on your countermark.

Auteur : Marine Bonnet
Artistes : Marine Bonnet
Le lieu de rendez-vous sera indiqué sur votre contremarque. Metteur en scène : Marine Bonnet

Evénement proposé par @marinezecity

Pour Tout public

Visite guidée, Excursions

Langue : Anglais
Durée : 120 minutes soit 02h00

Dresscode : Wear good shoes and I suggest you to check forecast before coming

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